Part 52: 08/17/09 - 08/31/09: The Butterfly Effect

I'm sure you'll be ever-so-surprised to discover that this month we'll be spending a lot of time with Koromaru.

> Koromaru is scratching himself with his hind leg...

> Fuuka came in...

> Koromaru seems a little displeased...

> Fuuka came back carrying something...

> Koromaru seems happy...
> You decided to brush Koromaru with Fuuka...

> Koromaru seems content...

> Koromaru's fur seems a little softer now...
> He seems happy too...

> ...?
> Koromaru suddenly got up and backed up...

> You spent a peaceful moment with Koromaru...

We'll be mostly skipping over the film festival, naturally, but there are a few small ones to at least give a small look at.

> After saying goodbye to Rio, you decided to go back to the dorm.
There's really not much to 'em, since the film festival scenes are short and all...

But a couple of the Portable exclusive scenes are still useful for S.Link stuff. Social Stat stuff is still pretty irrelevant for the most part, though.

> After saying goodbye to Saori, you decided to go back to the dorm.
You'd honestly be forgiven for thinking these are the only two new film festival scenes. There is a couple more, though...

But first, we gotta hang out with Koromaru. Because of course we're gonna do that.

> There's a ball at Koromaru's feet...

> Koromaru seems happy.
> It seems he wants you to throw it and play with him...
> ...You pick it up and throw it.

> Koromaru happily went to fetch it.
> ...He brought it back in his mouth.

> Koromaru seems happy...
> You threw the ball a number of times...

> Koromaru is looking up with glassy eyes...

> Koromaru is quietly looking at you...
> When you pat his head, he squints his eyes happily...
> Your bond with Koromaru has gotten a little stronger.

> Koromaru is yawning...
> You spent a moment of peace with Koromaru...

I know I normally gloss over when Theo calls to tell us about someone new in Tartarus, but...

> Theo escorted you back to the dorm.
So, yeah, in this version you get a chance to have a movie date with Elizabeth or Theo. It's not as good as Koromaru's was, but that's an unfair comparison...

> It seems Ikutsuki really wants to go to the film festival.

> Ikutsuki is talking by himself...

> You decided to go back to the dorm with Ikutsuki.
Even Ikutsuki gets a movie scene this time around! It's basically just a vehicle for a new awful pun, though.

Not much else left to the month, so we'll just hang out with Koromaru a whole bunch.

> Koromaru seems happy.

> Koromaru suddenly started growling...
> Someone is coming from the other direction...

> ...It's Mr. Ono.

> Mr. Ono is staring at Koromaru...

> You don't really understand what's going on, but Mr. Ono seems desperate...
> It seems he wants Koromaru to look for something he lost...

> ...Mr. Ono is explaining to Koromaru.
> Koromaru is listening patiently...

> Mr. Ono is pushing his help at Koromaru...
> Koromaru seems a little annoyed...

> ...There he goes again.
> Koromaru is sniffing around, not listening at all...

> Koromaru pulled something out with his teeth...
> .....?

> Mr. Ono pulled out the katana!
> ...There's something small projecting out instead of a blade.
> ...It looks like it can be inserted into a computer.

> ...He's going on and on.

I think that if this was a real katana, and children were playing with it... it breaking would be the least of your worries. Fucking hell, Ono.

> Koromaru is sitting patiently...

> Mr. Ono told you in a small voice...
> Mr. Ono leaves...

> Koromaru seems happy...
> When you pat his head, he's squinting his eyes pleasantly...
> You feel like your bond with Koromaru has gotten stronger...

> Koromaru is sneezing...
> The sand from the sandbox seems to have gotten in his nose.
> You spent a moment of peace with Koromaru...

We're approaching the end of summer, so we don't have much in the way of variety available. But that's fine, because we can still spend a buncha evenings with Koromaru!

> Koromaru seems happy.

> Someone is coming from the direction Koromaru is looking in...
> ...It's a woman you've seen before.

> ...You seem to recall this is the woman who told you about Koromaru's past when you first met him.

> She repeated the story you were told before...

> ...The woman left.

> Koromaru is sitting patiently...

> Koromaru is staring up at you...

> Koromaru went back into the shrine...

> Koromaru howled towards the shrine...
> Other dogs return the howl from every direction...

> Koromaru is sitting quietly, facing the shrine...
> You can't understand Koromaru's speech...
> But you feel as if you've come to understand him...

> Koromaru has turned around to look at you...
> You spent a quiet moment with Koromaru...
Koromaru's link might not seem all that complex, because he is a good dog and best friend, but even he has stuff he worries about.

Requisite Tartarus interlude to rescue a couple more folks before the full moon. First is an old lady on the 95th floor.

Second is someone on floor 101. I don't think this one was nabbed by Shadows, though; I think someone wanted rid of 'em and this was the result.

That's it for Tartarus stuff. We're back to hanging out with Koromaru to close out the month!

> Koromaru seems happy...

> .....?
> Koromaru suddenly started growling towards the shrine...

> ...You hear voices.
Man's Voice: I heard this place's totally haunted! C'mon, let's go in.
Woman's Voice: No way, I'm scared! You're up to something funny, aren't you?
Man's Voice: Dammit, it's locked... Guess we'll have to break down the door.
> .....!?
> Someone's trying to break into the main temple.

> Koromaru darted towards the voices!

Tanned Man: Where's the cops and the pound!? It's their job to kill off stray dogs!
> ...You finally caught up.

Tanned Man: Wh-What?
Tacky Woman: ...What's her problem? C'mon, let's just go.
Tanned Man: Huh? Hey, wait...!
> The two left...

> Koromaru is on guard as he watches the two leave...

> Koromaru is wagging his tail...
> In any case, you seem to have done your part to protect the shrine.

> Koromaru is nuzzling you with his head...
> You feel as if Koromaru is thanking you...

> Koromaru is tugging you on, so you decide to continue walking him.